
The Diapason May 2013 Newsletter

May 17, 2013

From the editor

Welcome to THE DIAPASON E-News.

Among the stories in this issue: results of the 2013 Arthur Poister Competition; first- and second-graders visit the Buzard Pipe Organ Builders workshops; Longwood Gardens International Organ Competition; summer recital series at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse; Kotzschmar book and yard sale; Wanamaker Organ Day, and more.

To read the news stories below, click on the link in the headline highlighted in color.  That takes you to the full text on our website. From there, you can also link to additional information about the story. 

Our newsletter sponsor this month is Juget-Sinclair Pipe Organ Builders. Their restoration of the Beckerath organ at St. Joseph’s Oratory, Montreal, is the cover feature of the May issue of THE DIAPASON. Clicking on the ads will take you to their website.

Send a free sample copy of THE DIAPASON to a student, colleague, or friend.  Just contact me by e-mail or phone, and I will send the current issue.

Jerome Butera

Editor and Publisher



[email protected]


Jerome Butera

Jerome Butera is editor and publisher of The Diapason.