
The Diapason March 2015 Newsletter

March 23, 2015

I write this on a snowy day (it is officially spring) but despite the weather all is well, and we have positive news to report. Our 20 under 30 winners have been selected—click on 20 UNDER 30 to see who they are. We will introduce them in our May issue. To sponsor a subscription for one (or more) of the winners, or to place a congratulatory ad, contact Jerome Butera at 608/634-6253, or [email protected].

The 2015 Schoenstein Competition in the Art of Organ Accompaniment took place February 25 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with Phillip Radtke winning first prize and Stephanie Yi receiving second prize. David Ashley White was awarded the 2015 Raabe Prize for Excellence in Sacred Composition by the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. Quimby Pipe Organs will install a new five-manual, 143-rank organ at Chicago's Fourth Presbyterian Church, and the Reuter Organ Company has completed a tonal renovation of the University of Florida's Andrew Anderson Memorial Organ. 

We note the passing of John Obetz and John Jay Tyrrell, and congratulate Michael Latsko on 20 years as a radio host, and David Herman upon his retirement from the University of Delaware. New appointments include Vincent Boucher to St. Joseph's Oratory in Montreal, John Linker to ChristChurch Cathedral in Christchurch, New Zealand, and Karol Mossakowski to the Cathedral-Basilica of St. Louis King of France in New Orleans. 

Our newsletter sponsor is Raven Recordings. 

—Joyce Robinson 

Editorial Director, THE DIAPASON  


[email protected]

Joyce Robinson