
The Diapason June 2017 Newsletter

June 26, 2017

‘Tis the season for many of us to attend a convention! What a choice of organ and carillon conventions this summer across the country. I enjoy reading on Facebook of many people traveling to attend a convention or to play or attend a recital. As I write this, I’m in Wisconsin preparing to play a recital this week. There are many weekly organ recital series in the summer here in the Midwest, detailed in our Here & There and calendar sections. Many of these programs are in beautiful towns with lots of history to offer, interesting cuisine to experience, and, of course, excellent music. I encourage you to make an effort in your summer travels to find a new organ to listen to, maybe an instrument that is not well known. Experience this new organ or even a carillon, whether it is played in recital or in worship. Introduce yourself to the musician and share your love of the music of these unique instruments! Check out our summer concert listings for organs and carillons in our June issue or online at www.thediapason.com.

Speaking of our website, we have inaugurated a new login procedure for subscribers. Instead of remembering or finding your subscriber code each time you login to the website, you can now set up your own password, which should much easier to remember, especially if you use more than one computer. Check out what is new at www.thediapason.com!

Our June newsletter sponsor is John-Paul Buzard Pipe Organ Builders of Champaign, Illinois (www.buzardorgans.com). Their relocation and refurbishment of a 1963 organ by Noehren is featured in our June issue. The organ has a new and appreciative home in Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, Charleston, South Carolina.

Stephen Schnurr

Editorial Director & Publisher 

[email protected]