
The Diapason July 2014 Newsletter

July 18, 2014

There is much good news to report in this issue: David Cassan named winner of the Haarlem International Organ Improvisation Competition; the appointments of Simon Berry (Orgues Létourneau), Trevor Dodd (Buzard Organbuilders), and Kola Owolabi (University of Michigan); and Howard Wood’s 50 years as organist.

Fred Swann performed a dedication recital in Saginaw, Michigan, on a renovated Skinner organ, and Dorothy Young Riess performed the world premiere of an original composition of hers. CONCORA presented a festival devoted to J.S. Bach’s Mass in B Minor, and the Albert Schweitzer Festival presented the winners of last fall’s competition in concert. Paul Hale is featured on a new recording, and Information on new organs and organ projects comes from Goulding & Wood and Wicks.

To read the news stories below, click on the link in the headline highlighted in color, that takes you to the full text on our website. From there, you can also link to additional information about the story.

Our newsletter sponsor this month is Dobson Pipe Organ Builders, Ltd. Their instrument in Merton College Chapel at the University of Oxford in the U.K. is featured on the cover of the July 2014 issue of THE DIAPASON. Clicking on the ads will take you to their website.

Make sure your friends and colleagues do not miss out on THE DIAPASON! Contact me and we’ll get a sample copy off to them.

—Joyce Robinson

Editorial Director, THE DIAPASON 

[email protected]

Joyce Robinson