
The Diapason January 2015 Newsletter

January 28, 2015

Here we are, in the bleak midwinter (this is being written as the East Coast receives “snow on snow”)—with the glorious holidays behind us, and now at the start of a new year. It’s a good time to enjoy the great indoors and read THE DIAPASON. 

In this newsletter we note upcoming (and past) summer tours, new books and recordings, appointments, and the passing of Malcolm Benson and Robert Macdonald. We also report on a Bach marathon in New York City, and Casavant Frères’ first installation in mainland China.

Our newsletter sponsor is the Spreckels Organ Society—the Spreckels Organ, Austin Opus 453, celebrating its 100th birthday, is featured on the cover of the January issue of THE DIAPASON. 

We remind you to visit our website and submit nominations for our 20 under 30 awards—the deadline is February 15. It is important that we recognize and encourage our young colleagues.

—Joyce Robinson


Editorial Director, THE DIAPASON 


[email protected]

Joyce Robinson