
The Diapason January 2013 Newsletter

January 24, 2013

From the editor

Welcome to THE DIAPASON E-News.

The new year is well underway, and for church organists Lent and Easter are not far off.

Among the stories in this issue: Schoenstein & Co. held an open house celebrating the completion of two new organs for Fordham University in New York City; the Westfield Center for Historical Keyboard Studies presents its spring conference; the Pistoia Organ Academy “Giuseppe Gherardeschi” presents its spring courses; Gail Archer is presenting “The Muse’s Voice: A Celebration of International Women Composers,” a five-concert series in New York City; Robin Austin was appointed as carillonneur of the Thomas Rees Memorial Carillon; James Welch announces the publication of Richard Purvis, Organist of Grace, and more.

To read the news stories below, click on the link in the headline highlighted in color.  That takes you to the full text on our website. From there, you can also link to additional information about the story. 

Our newsletter sponsor this month is Foley-Baker, Inc., whose recent organ project at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Minneapolis is featured on the cover of the January issue of THE DIAPASON. Clicking on the ads will take you to their website.

Send a free sample copy of THE DIAPASON to a student, colleague, or friend.  Just contact me by e-mail or phone, and I will send the current issue.

Jerome Butera

Editor and Publisher



[email protected]


Jerome Butera

Jerome Butera is editor and publisher of The Diapason.