
The Diapason February 2017 Newsletter

February 18, 2017

As you know, nominations for The Diapason’s 20 Under 30 Class of 2017 closed on February 1. We received 112 nominations for young women and men. The staff of The Diapason is grateful to all who thoughtfully submitted these nominations for our new generation of organists, church musicians, harpsichordists, carillonneurs, organbuilders, and clavichordists. Be sure to watch for our video revealing those who are chosen for the Class of 2017 on March 1 at www.thediapason.com. Biographical information and pictures of all members of the Class will be detailed in our May issue.

Please consider a congratulatory card for our 20 Under 30 issue! Contact our advertising director, Jerome Butera, at [email protected] for options and details.

Our newsletter sponsor for this month is M. P. Rathke, Inc., whose Opus 8 is featured on the cover of our February issue of The Diapason. The organ is installed in the Newtown United Methodist Church of Cincinnati, Ohio. 

Stephen Schnurr

Editorial Director & Publisher 

[email protected]