
The Diapason August 2018 Newsletter

August 17, 2018

Here we are at the end of August and the end of summer 2018. Within the next few weeks, a new choir year and/or new academic year will begin for many of us. This newsletter as well as our August and September print issues carry announcements of many recital and concert series for 2018–2019.  If your church or college series of organ, choral, harpsichord, and/or carillon events is not listed, please send me your information for inclusion in our Calendar and Here & There sections.

Our August issue has many fresh and inviting features. We begin a series of articles by Michael McNeil on what may be California’s oldest pipe organ, documenting the 1864 William A. Johnson Opus 161 at Piru Community United Methodist Church. Anton Warde reviews a festschrift celebrating the 75th birthday of Daniel RothIn “Harpsichord Notes,” Larry Palmer reviews a compact disc of the sonatas for violin and harpsichord by Bach, as performed by Rachel Barton Pine and Jory Vinikour. John Bishop, in “In the Wind . . .,” muses on the marvels of organ consoles of the present and a century ago.

In this newsletter, you will read of the death of Frank G. Rippl of Appleton, Wisconsin. Frank was a true gentleman and a great supporter of the pipe organ and church music, not only through his work as a church musician, but as a teacher of countless students, whether at the organ or in the Appleton Boy Choir. Many will remember Frank for his articles in THE DIAPASON on conventions of the Organ Historical Society. For decades, he coordinated a succesful summer organ recital series in the Appleton region. Most Tuesdays, Frank could be seen at the Appleton Rotary Club, where he provided cheerful piano accompaniment for all in attendance.

Our newsletter sponsor is C. B. Fisk, Inc., whose Opus 148 is the cover feature of our August issue. Opus 148 was built for Centennial Chapel at Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati, Ohio. This fascinating instrument is built on Italian models, making it a unique instrument for the Midwest region.

—Stephen Schnurr 
Editorial Director & Publisher 
[email protected]

Stephen Schnurr

Editorial Director & Publisher 

[email protected]