
The Diapason August 2017 Newsletter

August 19, 2017

In these waning days of August, many of our students have begun classes or will do so within the next week or two. For those of us who sing in choirs or direct them, our rehearsal year will soon commence. (Maybe you are one of those super-diligent directors who have already begun your rehearsal year!) We hope that you had a remarkable and memorable summer. Within the next few days, take a few moments and pause to reflect on some of the more fruitful events of these warmer months, before the hectic season begins.

Our newsletter this month features everything musical in the cycle of life: new appointments for people who start a new chapter in their lives with a congregation; retirements for those who have spent a faithful career in music; new organ contracts for excited churches waiting to experience these marvelous instruments; a new season of organ recitals, carillon festivals, Evensongs, hymn festivals, and more! Be sure to have your calendar at hand to note these many events for your enjoyment and edification.

Take a moment to view the video we feature of John Schwandt playing the Kilgen organ recently installed at the Oklahoma History Center, Oklahoma City. The American Organ Institute sponsors our newsletter this month, as their project to spearhead the renovation, expansion, and relocation of this historic 1936 Kilgen organ is featured in our August issue.

—Stephen Schnurr 
Editorial Director & Publisher 
[email protected]

Stephen Schnurr

Editorial Director & Publisher 

[email protected]