
The Diapason August 2014 Newsletter

August 22, 2014

As summer draws to a close, we have much to report. Vincent Dubois has been named Visiting Artist in Organ at the University of Michigan, Barbara Harbach has been named a Curators’ Professor in the University of Missouri System, and Dobson Pipe Organ Builders, Ltd. has been chosen to build its Opus 93 for St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Fifth Avenue, New York City. And we note the many upcoming events: concerts, conferences, festivals, and competitions.

Marilyn Keiser played a recital at Loyola University, Chicago, on July 20. New recordings have been released featuring Todd Wilson (playing Gerre Hancock's organ works), Phillip Kloeckner, J. Thomas Mitts, Anthony Hammond, and Karen Beaumont. And on April 27, a new 2-manual, 18-rank Pasi organ was dedicated at historic First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas. With sadness we note the passing of Robert Sutherland Lord.

To read the news stories below, click on the link in the headline highlighted in color, that takes you to the full text on our website. From there, you can also link to additional information about the story.

Our newsletter sponsor this month is Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ. The Kotzschmar Organ in Merrill Auditorium of Portland City Hall (Maine), recently renovated by Foley-Baker, is featured on the cover of the August 2014 issue of THE DIAPASON. Clicking on the ads will take you to FOKO's website. The Grand Opening Concert takes place September 27.

Make sure your friends and colleagues do not miss out on THE DIAPASON! Contact me and we’ll get a sample copy off to them.

—Joyce Robinson

Editorial Director, THE DIAPASON 

[email protected]

Joyce Robinson