
The Diapason April 2017 Newsletter

April 24, 2017

In this last week of April, many of our readers are recuperating from a very busy time as church musicians, having presented a considerable amount of music between Palm Sunday and Easter. We hope that you will find this newsletter to be a welcome diversion from these much-appreciated musical endeavors, and that you will find a number of items of great interest in the world at large in this message.

On April 13, we finished work on our May issue, likely our largest issue of this year. It features our 20 Under 30 honorees for 2017, and you will hear and see more about this later. It is exciting to bring to you cameos of the hard-working women and men of the next generation of the organ, harpsichord, clavichord, carillon, and church music world!

Our April issue features the Fiftieth Anniversary celebration of Berghaus Pipe Organ Builders of Bellwood, Illinois. The Berghaus firm has built and installed organs in many regions of the United States, and the firm maintains a large and active service department. Berghaus is also our newsletter sponsor for this month.

Stephen Schnurr

Editorial Director & Publisher 

[email protected]