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Cavaillé-Coll in Oberlin June 12-15, Oberlin College

by Rudolf Zuiderveld

Rudolf Zuiderveld is Professor of Music and College Organist at Illinois College, Jacksonville, Illinois, and organist of First Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Illinois.


Wednesday, June 12

Acoustics dominated the discussion with David Pike of C.B. Fisk and acoustician Dana Kirkegaard, who has made modifications to the stage area, with handsome wood structures to improve the acoustical environment for performing musicians, and enhancing the ceiling area over the stage--work that can be carried further in the future, and perhaps (if the building is equipped with air conditioning) address the acoustically transparent windows. More reverberation time and better bass response would be a desirable result.

Improvising in a predominantly homophonic French-Romantic style, William Porter demonstrated the peculiar qualities of slotted Cavaillé-Coll principals alone (as they are seldom employed) and combined with strings and flutes, producing subtle tonal variety that added up to more than the sum of its parts. The blended ensemble sounds of the French Romantic organ form the true criteria that make a Cavaillé-Coll "symphonic" rather than "orchestral"--as heard in early 20th-century American organs with their highly individual, un-blending voicing using electric actions. Like Cavaillé-Coll's organs, the Fisk retains the classic air-channel, slider windchest, but, rather than using Barker-lever machines to manage the heavy touch, employs a "servo-pneumatic" aid, in which the action follows the motion of the key exactly in attack and release.

It must have been a pleasure for Professors David Boe and Haskell Thomson to introduce the Fisk organ to over 170 registrants, repeating the dedicatory recital from last September (reviewed by Larry Palmer in The Diapason, January 2002, pp. 18-19), playing another historically-informed "period organ" at Oberlin, which joins John Brombaugh's 1981 organ in Fairchild Chapel and the comprehensive Flentrop organ in Warner Recital Hall, enabling students to study organs authentic to the Renaissance, Baroque, Romantic, and Modern eras.

David Boe opened with an exciting performance of the Final from Vierne's First Symphony, followed by a subtly impressionistic "La Vallée du Béhorléguy, au matin" from Paysages euskariens by Ermend Bonnal, and Franck's Grande Pièce Symphonique, op. 17. Organ and performer combined to give a true sense of the large-scale architectural proportions of the work; Boe's strong, rhythmically vital playing, with nuance expressing sentiment (not sentimentality), projected an overall sense of unity to Franck's masterpiece.

Haskell Thomson followed with later music of the French repertoire, conveying many refined tonal subtleties: Duruflé's colorful Veni Creator variations, the strings and soaring harmonic flute in the "Andante sostenuto" from Widor's Tenth Symphony, and the piquant, picturesque sounds of "birds and springs" in the Communion of Messiaen's Pentecost Mass. The Fisk's power was again demonstrated in the Sortie from the Mass--more clearly heard in the relatively dry acoustics of Finney Chapel than in the wash of sound in an immense stone cathedral. In the conclusion of Franck's Third Choral, it was difficult to hear the thematic quality of the manual figuration when combined with the chorale theme, all over a thundering pedal (which perhaps masked the figuration). A programmed, entertaining encore, Scène pastorale by Lefébure-Wély, complete with twittering birdsongs (Messiaen's musical ancestor?), drew smiles, and a comment that, by comparison, Franck's Pastorale is an "art of fugue"!

A gracious reception hosted by Oberlin Conservatory, with time to visit with colleagues from far-flung places, concluded a rewarding day.

Thursday, June 13

Thursday morning's lecture by Jean Boyer showed thorough knowledge of keyboard performance practice in 19th-century France, based on contemporary piano technique as illustrated in common piano methods, illuminating "Legato matters through Franck's organ works." This is not the place to review these insightful lectures; rather, one hopes that papers by Boyer, Near, Ericsson, Peeters, Porter, and Peterson will be made available in print. The panel-of-experts discussions following each lecture/paper produced varied insights, such as the lesson procedure followed for American students in France: literature first, then the maître's works.

John Near's outstanding scholarly editions of Widor's organ works for A-R Editions will soon be supplemented by a biography on this influential and authoritative "Napoleonic commander" of the French musical world from 1870 to 1937. (Perhaps it is only historically coincidental that Widor became titulaire at St. Sulpice in 1870, just as Pope Pius IX was promulgating the doctrine of papal infallibility in matters of faith and doctrine at Vatican I.) A photo and sample scrawled signature of "Widor" confirmed the point. Near spoke about Cavaillé-Coll as a "poet architect of sounds," an inspiration to Widor and the further development of the French organ symphony.

In a late Thursday afternoon session, versatile improviser William Porter played the marvelously colorful collection of 12 stops in John Brombaugh's 1981 organ in little Fairchild Chapel. Having just heard the Fisk's great variety of subtle stop combinations, it became clear how individual stops can be voiced with strong character, like the surprisingly stringy spitzflute, richly colorful regal and trumpet, and singing "vocale" praestant (so different from the amalgam of stops that comprise an "instrumentale" French "fonds"). Also, equal temperament produces a kind of evened-out blandness in the Fisk's warm Romantic sound, compared to the kaleidoscopic harmonic colors and degrees of harmonic tension heard in the ensembles of the small meantone organ. "In te Domine speravi" of Samuel Scheidt made a grand impression in a plenum that reached greater brilliance (shimmering "zing" in the mixture) than in the attenuated top of the full French Romantic organ sound.

Two masterful artists concluded Thursday's schedule. Martin Jean gave a superb performance of Vierne's Fifth Symphony, in honor of his teacher Robert Glasgow who was present. Jean played with control, refinement and grandeur, demonstrating fine technique and superb musicianship. The third movement scherzo was delightful in using some of the high-pitched aliquots (a "carillon" can be synthesized using Positiv mutations 13/5', 11/3', and 1' registers). Robert Glasgow's championing the French symphonic repertoire was amply rewarded in this virtuosic, profoundly satisfying performance.

Hans-Ola Ericsson of Sweden played an interesting group of Olivier Messiaen's organ works, surveying music from 1932 to 1984. With the performer playing in a darkening chapel, with immense control, occasionally conducting himself, the recital became a kind of spiritual experience in the hands of this devoted Messiaen interpreter. Messiaen's repertoire of organ effects included extended birdsong (Chant d'Oiseaux from Livre d'Orgue), rhythmically free plainsong-like monody (including the two-page Monodie of 1963), the adaptation of ordinary meters into timeless unending rhythmic reveries, plus extreme dynamic contrasts. The overwhelmingly loud held last chord of Verbe et Lumière from the Holy Trinity meditations produced a mental hallucination (a bit like seeing flashes of light with one's eyes closed)--near the threshold of aural pain. Ericsson created a totally entrancing musical tableau in his powerful performance.

Friday, June 14

 serious, thoughtful manner characterized Hans-Ola Ericsson's lecture the next morning, focusing on the special characteristics of Cavaillé-Coll's organ at La Trinité in Paris during Messiaen's tenure. Addition of stops so useful to Messiaen's coloristic musical effects created a kind of "North-German concept." The organ's comprehensive restoration (perhaps prompted by the mid-1950s poor-sounding recordings made by Messiaen), showed the improviser/composer's close connection to the special beauties of his La Trinité organ (not that he did not favor adapting his music to other organ styles). Ericsson proved to have many insights to share, having spent a great deal of time with Messiaen in his last years.

Musicologist Paul Peeters, former editor of the Dutch journal Het Orgel, now working at the Göteborg GOArt project in Sweden, shared a wealth of information about Belgian/French Romantic organ culture, based on a deep and wide knowledge of the instruments, for example the existence of carillon registers in Dutch organs a century before the French Romantic organ incorporated them. Varied, rather than standardized, registration was his theme--as in the different ways to compose a "fond d'orgue" sound, depending on the disposition of a particular organ. (On the Fisk the fonds with its integral oboe sounded at one point like a harmonium--perhaps the intention.) It was during the following discussion that Jesse Eschbach pointed out that St. Clotilde's organ (built with Franck's advice, as he was already titulaire) had both a classic mixture in its Great plenum for the required traditional improvised Kyrie registration (Plein Jeu plus pedal trumpet), and a novel "progressive, harmonic" mixture on the Positif for the new symphonic organ music (intended for concert rather than liturgical music?).

The following panel discussion was moderated by Fenner Douglass, recently awarded a well-earned honorary doctorate from Oberlin, and for whom the new Fisk represents the culmination of a dream in a career devoted to solid research into French organ culture. He was present to enjoy his accomplishments in the company of many grateful students and admiring colleagues.

Again as a welcome foil to all things French and Romantic, Haskell Thomson gave a demonstration of the 1974 Flentrop organ in Warner Concert Hall, and William Porter demonstrated the Brombaugh organ of First Methodist Church, adjacent to the campus. Professor Thompson gave a comprehensive demonstration of the "all-purpose" Flentrop--less authentically "Dutch" in the sound of its flues than the specification and visual design implies, with brighter principals and choruses than typical in Dutch historic instruments, but very pleasing nevertheless, and a good match for the pleasant daytime-light-filled ambience of the modern concert hall. Revised reeds, including solid, North-German style pedal reeds by Taylor and Boody, and a wonderfully full sounding colorful Bovenwerk trumpet revised by Oberlin's organ curator Hal Gober, give the organ a more authentically Dutch/German character.

The 1974 Brombaugh 18-stop organ of First United Methodist Church gave proof to the idea that North-German/Dutch style organs are tonally appropriate in a typically dry American sanctuary acoustic. Although the organ was not in perfect condition, given the un-air-conditioned hot and humid June weather, it was effectively demonstrated by William Porter in congregational music, culminating in a rousing rendition of Cwm Rhondda.

Jean Boyer's recital on Friday evening was spectacular in his brilliant performance of Widor's Sixth Symphony. Played a bit more quickly than usual (perhaps responding to the relatively dry acoustics), the outer movements were especially effective in their driving rhythms with Boyer truly "playing" spontaneously with the music. The Final, indeed the entire Symphony, proved an exhilarating tour de force in Jean Boyer's bravura performance.

Saturday, June 15

In a closely reasoned paper, William J. Peterson, adapting French scholar F. Sabatier's three-part scheme in Cavaillé-Coll's stylistic development--(1) Classic (1841-58), (2) Romantic (1858-75), and (3) Symphonic (1875-98)--considered ten organs built between 1870 and 1898. These included some of the builder's most famous organs: at the Trocadéro in Paris, St-Étienne in Caen, St-Sernin in Toulouse, and St-Ouen in Rouen. Cavaillé-Coll seems to have returned to classical precepts in his late-period organs (such as dropping the progressive mixture in favor of the more historically traditional breaking mixtures). Oddly, it was an introductory recording of the Caen organ that proved revealing: its clearly heard fiery French-style bombarde/trompette/clarion reeds produced typical Grand Jeu timbres evident in both 17th/18th-century classic-period organs and surviving in the Romantic Cavaillé-Colls, but not so apparent in the smoother reed choruses of the Oberlin Fisk. The big Fisk reeds seem more like those at St-Sernin in Toulouse, where their sound needs to travel down an extremely long and relatively narrow nave. Perhaps Barbara Owen spoke to this point in the stimulating panel discussion that followed, describing the Fisk organ as an "English Town Hall Organ."

In further discussion, David Pike emphasized the "symphonic," "sounding together" ensemble character of the organ, necessitating a mindset in organ builders (especially voicers) that goes beyond naive, simplistic ideas of copying historic instruments. Steven Dieck, giving candid insight into how the Fisk company continues to grow artistically, made an interesting point about approaching compromise of a Fisk ideal that an organ breathe "with a single breath," related to the necessity of employing double-pallet, divided windchests at Oberlin. Paul Peeters, commenting on the size of the proposals for the Antwerp O.L.V. Cathedral organ in 1888, recalled that Pierre Schyven proposed 87 stops, Walcker 100 stops, and Cavaillé-Coll only 75--"build as many as needed, as few as possible" was Cavaillé-Coll's recommendation. The Belgian Schyven firm got the contract.

Saving some of the most intriguing music for last, two distinguished performers shared a remarkable program. Christa Rakich opened with Jeanne Demessieux's Repons pour le Temps de Pâques, a brilliant toccata/fantasy (comparable to Touremire's improvisation, transcribed by Duruflé) employing the "Victimae Paschali" chant, followed by four chorale preludes from Demessieux's Opus 8--each a gem, beautifully realized on the Fisk's refined individual stops and small combinations, concluding with a thrilling Veni Creator Spiritus toccata. A little known "Nocturne" by Germaine Tailleferre (1892-1983) (a member of "Les Six," explained Christa Rakich in her engaging verbal program notes), proved to a be a gentle lullaby, a song without words. Marcel Dupré's famous Opus 7 Preludes and Fugues closed Rakich's half of the recital, but she effectively played No. 3 first, then No. 2, on the organ's warm fonds, and concluded with the carillon effects of No. 1. Sitting at various places in the chapel for the recitals, it was obvious from the palpably shaking pews under the rear balcony that the Fisk was producing plenty of bass sound. The instrument speaks with authority!

Westfield Center president Susan Ferré concluded the recital and the conference with music by Tournemire, Alain, and Langlais, completing a wide-ranging survey of French Romantic organ music performed during the conference, perhaps surprising, given the Center's more usual focus on early music. Two excerpts from Tournemire's Opus 67 masterpiece, Sept Chorals-Poemès d'orgue pour les Sept paroles du Xrist (which had 39 people at its St. Clotilde premiere in 1937), "Eli, Eli, lamma sabacthani" and "Consummatum est," proved to be  some of the most powerfully moving music of the entire conference. The organ's fonds (with the harmonic flute giving a rich, pervasive sound), the smooth clarinet, the pleading vox humana, the serene flute harmonique solo, and the piercing jabs of the full organ--all sounded perfectly authentic on the Fisk, contributing to Susan Ferré's spiritually moving performance. In Jehan Alain's Variations on "Lucis Creator," a trumpet solo accompanied by a full Swell, delicate flutes, and Plein Jeu plus cantus firmus trumpet demonstrated additional Fiskian Cavaillé-Coll aural authenticity. Jean Langlais' turbulent, abrupt and tragic Chant Héroïque, dedicated to the memory of Jehan Alain, was followed by the pastiche and sentimental simplicity of Boystown (1961). A refreshing (Neo-Baroque?) Trio (1957) concluded the Langlais group. Gregorian chant and birdsong-like motives incorporated into the Paraphrase-Carillon from Tournemire's In Assumptione B.M.V. (1928), showed the connection to Messiaen's inspiration, and ended the recital and an entire conference that had managed to touch on most of the major organist-composers of the French Symphonic School. (Guilmant was mentioned but not heard.)

Serious scholarship presented in stimulating lectures and panel discussions, perfection in performance on authentic organs, and convivial collegiality combined to make the Oberlin conference one of the most informative, entertaining, and inspiring in recent memory.

Near the end of the conference, the double CD "September 28, 2001 Inaugural Concert" recorded live in Finney Chapel was released. The program opens with The Oberlin Orchestra, conducted by Paul Polivnick, performing Elgar's Nimrod variation from Enigma Variations with loving tenderness, a moving memorial to the tragedy of September 11, followed by the audience joining in singing a thrilling Star Spangled Banner. David Boe is soloist in Oberlin graduate Robert Sirota's organ concerto In the Fullness of Time, which incorporates Bach's "Es ist genug" into a colorful, lyrical and dramatic work for organ with a large virtuoso orchestra. The outstanding undergraduate student orchestra also performs two chestnuts of the symphony plus organ repertoire, Saint-Saëns' Third Symphony, with David Boe, and Joseph Jongen's Symphonie Concertante, the latter brilliantly performed with Haskell Thomson, organ soloist. Both are impassioned, professional-level performances, played with the extra edge of a live event--all in all, a spectacular concert and CD!

A special feature on the recording is another Oberlin graduate, Michael Barone, giving a musical guide to organs at Oberlin. David Boe plays H. Praetorius on the Brombaugh, Andrew Fredel plays Rheinberger on the first Holtkamp "Martini," and Christopher Harrell plays Hakim on the Warner Flentrop. So listen for yourself to the superb music making found at one of America's leading undergraduate colleges! It is available for $25 (plus shipping) from Oberlin Music and Cafe, an outstanding source for obtaining high quality organ music, books, and CDs, operated by Oberlin graduate James Dawson (; ph 440/774-9139; fax 440/774-8430) who also sponsored the coffee breaks during the conference.

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