Concert Artist Cooperative, beginning its twenty-third year of operation in April, welcomes organists Adam J. Brakel, Katherine Meloan, and S. Douglas O’Neill, as well as organist/recording artist/conductor Tobias Horn, organist/teacher Mark Quarmby, and organist/lecturer Ann Marie Rigler to its roster of soloists and ensembles from around the world.
Adam J. Brakel, organist of the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach, Florida, has been a prizewinner in a number of organ competitions, including the Albert Schweitzer, the Gruenstein Memorial, and the Carlene Neihart.
Tobias Horn was the 2000 Interpretation l’Europe et l’Orgue first prize winner, receiving a special award for the best Bach, and the 2000 Concours International Suisse de l’Orgue second prize winner. Organist, teacher, cantor, and music director of the Protestant Church in Wurtemberg, he is also the conductor of Kantorei Karlshohe in Ludwigsburg and Besighelm.
Katherine Meloan is organist at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Westchester, New York, and Temple Beth Sholom in Bayside, New York, as well as a professional dancer in Manhattan.
S. Douglas O’Neill, organist and assistant director of music at Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City, Utah, was the 1999 Dublin International Organ Competition first-prize winner.
Mark Quarmby, director of music at St. Stephen’s Uniting Church in Sydney, Australia, was previously the assistant organist at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney for 20 years.
Ann Marie Rigler is Associate Professor of Music and College Organist at William Jewell College in Liberty, Missouri.
Further information is available at
or directly from founder and director Beth Zucchino, 7710 Lynch Rd., Sebastopol, CA 95472;
tel. 707/824-5611, fax 707/824-0956;
or e-mail [email protected].