Brian Swager is carillon editor of THE DIAPASON.

Sixth International Queen Fabiola Carillon Competition
Since its foundation in 1922, the Royal Carillon School “Jef Denyn” in Mechelen, Belgium, has been involved in the support and development of the art of carillon playing. As part of this effort, the school organizes the international Queen Fabiola Carillon Competition in cooperation with the city of Mechelen. This competition, widely recognized as the most prestigious of its kind, provides a powerful stimulus for the recognition of carillon playing as an artistic expression of the highest level.
The winners of the previous competitions have acquired international fame:
1987 - Geert D’hollander
1990 - Boudewijn Zwart
1993 - Gideon Bodden
1998 - Tom Van Peer
2003 - Twan Bearda.
The sixth international Queen Fabiola Carillon Competition will take place on September 10–14, 2008. Carillonneurs from all over the world are invited to participate; there is no age limit. Candidates should submit nine compositions of a high degree of virtuosity: three baroque or classical works, one of them being a prelude by Matthias Vanden Gheyn; three romantic works originally composed for carillon; and three contemporary works also originally composed for carillon. Candidates must send one copy of each score along with their application. These scores may not show any references or indications from which the name or the nationality of the participant could be traced. An obligatory work is to be performed in the elimination round and in the finals.
All performances will be played on the new carillon in the tower of St. Rombouts in Mechelen. It was cast by Royal Eijsbouts, Asten, the Netherlands, in 1981. This carillon comprises 49 bells: B-flat, C1, D1—chromatic through—C5. The instrument transposes down a fourth: the pitch of C1 is G0. Candidates are offered the opportunity to practice on this instrument as well as on the practice consoles in the carillon school.
The elimination round takes place on Wednesday, September 10 and, if necessary, also on Thursday the 11th. During the elimination round, all candidates will perform three works: the obligatory work, one work chosen by the candidate, and one work chosen by the jury and selected from the candidate’s repertoire. The order of performing is assigned by lot. Performers are unknown to the members of the jury. The five competitors who receive the highest marks will be selected for the finals. Those who are not selected for this final round will receive an allowance of €125.
The finals will take place on Saturday and Sunday, September 13–14, 2008, at 7:30 pm. On Saturday, finalists will perform three works chosen by the jury: one baroque or classical, one romantic, and one contemporary. On Sunday, the candidates will perform the obligatory work as the contemporary composition, a baroque or classical work chosen by the jury, and a romantic composition also chosen by the jury.
First Prize: €3000, Prize of the Minister of Culture of the Flemish Government
Second Prize: €2000, Prize of the Province of Antwerp
Third Prize: €1500, Prize of the City of Mechelen and the Mechelen City Guides League
Fourth Prize: €1300, Prize of the City of Roeselare and the Royal Tower and Carillon Society “Jef Denyn”
Fifth Prize: €1000, Prize of Mr. A. Jans, honorary president of the Archeological Society and Mr. P. van den Broek, honorary director of the carillon school
Extra Prize: €1000, Prize of SABAM for the best interpretation of a Belgian contemporary work.
Applicants should send their curriculum vitae with a suitable photograph, the nine scores, and the choice of which work they will perform in the elimination round before May 15 to the Royal Carillon School “Jef Denyn,” Frederik de Merodestaat 63, B-2800 Mechelen, Belgium.
The organizers may refuse any submissions that do not meet the required standards. No appeal against their decision is possible. After approval by the organizers, candidates will receive a confirmation and additional practical guidelines.