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January 19, 2003
This article is coming to you from the Isle of Man, an island some 30 miles long by about 14 miles…
January 19, 2003
Perhaps it is a good idea to state right away that there are several goals which may be served by a…
January 19, 2003
Cover Patrick J. Murphy & Associates, Inc., Stowe, Pennsylvania, has completed the…
January 19, 2003
  Alan Hovhaness died on June 21 in Seattle, Washington, at the age of 89. A prolific composer who…
January 19, 2003
  Introduction The Kimball Company of Chicago was one of the foremost pipe organ builders in…
January 19, 2003
AGO.DOT.COM A Tale of Two Organs \x\dotcom   One aspect of the first AGO national convention of…
January 19, 2003
First Baptist Church, Ocala, Florida   The Wicks Organ Co., Highland, Illinois, Opus 6382   In…
January 19, 2003
On August 15, Sante Fe harpsichordist Virginia Mackie joins the very exclusive club of centenarian…
January 19, 2003
Leslie Spelman, of La Jolla, California, died on May 28 at the age of 97. He taught at the…