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2002 In Review--An Index


Articles, Reports, and Reviews

by author (boldface) and


Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival/USA. See Spicer.

American Cathedral in Paris. See Ebrecht.

American Guild of Organists. See Palmer.

Andrews, Colin. New Recordings. July 10-11

Apple, Warren. New Organ Music. Mar 13, Apr 12-13, Nov 15,
Dec 12-13

Arias, Enrique Alberto. Arthur C. Becker: Sonus Epulantis.
Jan 15-17*+

__________. Gregorian Chant Review. May 8-10


Bach, J.S. See Crowell.

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate
Conception. See Latona.

Becker, Arthur C. See Arias.

Bethards, Jack. Frederick A. Lake obituary. Sept 6

__________. Organ Design and the Kraft Music Hall. Oct

Book Reviews. See Collins, Hartman, Marigold, Ogasapian,

British Organ Music Seminar. See McAfee.

Bulgarian Organs. See Levi.

Butera, Jerome. In Memoriam Wesley Vos. July 2

Butera, Jerome, William Osborne, J. Bunker Clark, Haig
Mardirosian, and Ronald E. Dean. Robert Noehren: In Memoriam December 16,
1910-August 4, 2002. Oct 14-17


Canadian Organists. See Hartman.

Carillon News. See Swager.

Cavaillé-Coll. See Zuiderveld.

Choral reviews. See McCray.

Coleberd, R.E. Stevens of Marietta: A Forgotten Builder in a
Bygone Era. June 18-21*†#

Collins, John. Book Reviews. Feb 8, 10, Nov 11-12

__________. New Organ Music. Dec 12

__________. New Recordings. Mar 11-12, July 11, Oct 10, 12

Continuo. See Crowell.

Crowell, Gregory. New Organ Music. Mar 13, Nov 14

__________. New Recordings. Apr 10, May 12, June 12, Nov 13,
Dec 10, 12

__________. Registration and Sonority in J.S. Bach's
Continuo Practice. Feb 19-21*†


Dickinson, William. University of Iowa Institute for Sacred
Music 2002. Aug 20-21*

Distler, Hugo. See Palmer.


Ebrecht, Ronald. Lenten series at the American Cathedral in
Paris, 1949 and 1950. Dec 20-21*†

Editor's Notebook. Jan 2

Ellis, Laura. New Organ Music. Aug 13, Sept 14, Oct 13


Ferko, Frank. An Extraordinary Musical Odyssey: Paul Jacobs'
Messiaen Marathon. Apr 14-15*

Fisk Opus 116. See Palmer, Zuiderveld.

French Organ Music Seminar. See McAfee.


Gault, Robert. 1878 Sagar Organ, Central Presbyterian
Church, Eugene, Oregon. June 16-17*†

Geffert, Johannes. Toe or Heel? Evidence of Baroque
Practices. July 15-17+

Gell, David A. New Organ Music. Jan 12, Feb 14, Aug 13-14,
Sept 14, Oct 12-13

Gregorian Chant Review. See Arias


Hardwick, Peter. New Organ Music. Apr 12, May 13, June
12-13, July 12-13, Aug 12-13, Nov 14-15, Dec 12

__________. New Recordings. Nov 12

Harpsichord News. See Palmer.

Hartman, James B. Book Reviews. Feb 10, Apr 8, June 8, 10,
Aug 8, 10, Sept 12, Oct 10, Nov 10-11, Dec 8, 10

__________. Families of Professional Organists in Canada.
May 14-15

__________. Seven Outstanding Canadian Organists of the
Past. Sept 15-17

Holland, Jon. New Recordings. Nov 13-14, Dec 10

Huestis, Herbert L. Tech Lines. June 15#, Aug 14, Dec 22*

Hughes, Sarah Mahler. New Organ Music. Feb 13-14, June 14,
July 13


Jacobs, Paul. See Ferko.

Johnson, Brent. Martin M. Wick obituary, Aug. 6*

Johnson, Jane. See Palmer.


Kuhlman, William. Organ Teaching in the Small Liberal Arts
College. Dec 17-19*


Landrum, Mary Fisher. Sewanee Church Music Conference. Dec

Latin American organs. See Wyly.

Latona, Peter, Robert Grogan, and Geraldine M. Rohling. The Basilica
of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Upper Church Organ
Renovation Project, Goulding & Wood, Inc. Mar 21-23*†

Lawrence, Arthur. 2001 Summer Institute for French Organ
Studies. Oct 22-25*†

Leaver, S. Christopher. Augustana Arts - Reuter
Undergraduate Organ Competition. June 14*

Letters to the Editor. Feb 2, Apr 2, May 2, June 2, July 2,
Aug 2, Sept 2, Nov 2

Levi, Sabin, and Hristo Buzhev. Organs in Bulgaria. Sept


Marigold, W.G. New Recordings. Jan 10, 12, Feb 12-13, Mar
12-13, Apr 10, 12, May 11-12, June 10, 12, Aug 10-12, Sept 12, 14, Nov 12

__________. Book Reviews. May 10-11, June 10, July 10-11,
Dec 10

McAfee, Kay. British Organ Music Seminar. Feb 16-18*

__________. French Organ Music Seminar 2001: Paris Week,
July 2-9, 2001. Mar 18-20*

__________. French Organ Music Seminar 2001: Alsace Week,
July 10-14, 2001. Apr 18-19*

McCray, James. Music for Voices & Organ. Jan 8, Feb 8,
Mar 8-10, Apr 7-8, May 8, June 8, July 8-10, Aug 7-8, Sept 10, 12, Oct 8, 10,
Nov 8, 10, Dec 8

Messiaen Marathon. See Ferko.

Music for Voices & Organ. See McCray.


Nelson, Lee. New Handbell Music. Jan 14, Mar 13, May 12-13,
Aug 14, Nov 15

New Handbell Music. See Nelson.

New Organ Music. See Apple, Collins, Crowell, Ellis, Gell, Hardwick,
Hughes, Robinson, Schou, Smith.

New Recordings. See Andrews, Collins, Crowell, Hardwick,
Holland, Marigold, Speller.

Nigerian music. See Sadoh.

Noehren, Robert. See Butera, et al.


Oaxaca. See Wyly.

Oberlin College. See Palmer, Zuiderveld.

Ogasapian, John. Book Reviews. Feb 10, 12, Mar 10-11

Organ Design. See Bethards.

Organ Historical Society. See Wechsler.

Organ Pedagogy. See Kuhlman.

Organ Recitals. Jan 25-26, Feb 28-29, Mar 28, Apr 28-29, May
27-29, June 28, July 24-25, Aug 28-29, Sept 32-33, Oct 32-33, Nov 28-29, Dec

Organ Restoration. See Wyly.

Overall, Jason. An Interview with Robert Powell. Nov 18-21*


Palmer, Larry. Drawings by Jane Johnson: A Retrospective and
an Appreciation. Aug 18-19*

__________. Fan-fare: AGO in Philadelphia, July 1-6, 2002.
Sept 22-25*

__________. Harpsichord News. Mar 6, 8, Apr 6, June 6-8

__________. Hugo Distler SIXTY Years Later. Nov 22

__________. Jurow Harpsichord Competition, SEKHS, MHKS in
Bethlehem. July 14*

__________. Oberlin College opens its new Fisk Organ, Opus
116. Jan 18-19*†

Performance practice. See Crowell, Geffert.

Pickering, David C. The Organ Works of Leroy Robertson
(1896-1971). Dec 14-16*+†

Powell, Robert. See Overall.


Robertson, Leroy. See Pickering.

Robinson, Joyce. New Organ Music. Jan 12, Oct 12, Dec 12


Sadoh, Godwin. The Creative Process in Nigerian Hymn-Based
Compositions. Aug 15-17+

Sagar Organ. See Gault.

Schou, Larry. New Organ Music. Feb 14

Sewanee Church Music Conference. See Landrum.

SIFOS. See Lawrence.

Smith, Domecq. New Organ Music. Jan 12, 14, June 13-14, July

Speller, John L. Book Reviews. Jan 8, 10

__________. New Recordings. Feb 12, Apr 8, 10, May 11, Aug
12, Nov 12-13

Spicer, David. Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival/USA. Feb

Stevens. See Coleberd.

Summer Institute for French Organ Studies. See Lawrence.

Swager, Brian. Carillon News. Jan 6, 8,* Feb 6, 7,* Mar 6,*
July 8,* Sept 8, 10, Oct 6-8, Nov 6, 8, Dec 6-7*

__________. 2002 Summer Carillon Concert Calendar. June


Taylor, Herman D., and Williams, Donald W. The University of
Michigan 41st Conference on Organ and Church Music. Mar 14*

Tech Lines. See Huestis.


University of Iowa. See Dickinson.

University of Michigan. See Taylor, Wagner.


Vos, Wesley. See Butera.


Wagner, James. University of Michigan 22nd International
Organ and Church Music Institute. Jan 14*

Wechsler, Malcolm. Organ Historical Society 46th Annual
Convention. May 16-22*

Wyly, James. The Oaxaca Congress 2001: "The Restoration
of Organs in Latin America." Mar 15-17*


Zuiderveld, Rudolf. Cavaillé-Coll in Oberlin: June
12-15, Oberlin College. Nov 16-17*


Ball, Steven,* to Plymouth Congregational Church, Lansing,
MI. Nov 3

Basch, Peter J., to St. Ann's Church, Hoboken, NJ. Feb 3

Beck, Janice,* to St. John's Episcopal Church, Detroit, MI.
Mar 3

Britanyak, Tom, to authorized service director, Wicks Organ
Company, Highland, IL. July 3

Brown, Thomas,* to University Presbyterian Church, Chapel
Hill, NC. Nov 3

Budzynski, Eric James,* to the Parish Church of St. Luke,
Evanston, IL. Jan 3

Charneski, Jason,* to First Church of Christ (Center
Church), Hartford, CT. Apr 3

Christie, James David,* to professor of organ, Oberlin
College Conservatory of Music, Oberlin, OH. Aug 3

Coldwell, Maria, to executive director, Early Music America.
Dec 3

Cowan, Ken,* to St. Bartholomew's Church, New York, NY. June

Decker, Pamela,* to associate professor, University of
Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Apr 3

Dexter, Jeffrey D.,* to vice-president, tonal director,
Schantz Organ Company, Orrville, OH. Mar 3

Forbes, James A., Jr., to AGO chaplain for 2002-2004. Oct 3

Gastier, Eric J., to vice-president, design and engineering,
Schantz Organ Company, Orrville, OH. Mar 3

Giesbrecht, Marnie,* to Professor of Music, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Dec 3

Hamner, William,* to tonal department, Wicks Organ Company,
Highland, IL. July 3

Kemper, Margaret,* to Kenilworth Union Church, Kenilworth,
IL. Mar 3

Lee, Daewon (David),* to Korea area sales manager, Wicks Organ
Company, Highland, IL. Oct 3

Leister, Jason, to assistant to executive director of the
AGO. Jan 3

Malinka, Melanie,* to director of music, The Madeline Choir
School, Cathedral of the Madeleine, Salt Lake City, UT. Feb 3

Mangel, Curt,* to Curator of the Wanamaker Organ,
Philadelphia, PA. Sept 3

Mann, Timothy H.,* to vice-president, marketing, Schantz
Organ Company, Orrville, OH. Mar 3

Miller, Charles,* to Asylum Hill Congregational Church,
Hartford, CT. Mar 3

Montgomery, Krista, to director of sales and marketing,
Shawnee Press, Inc., Delaware Water Gap, PA. Dec 3

Morrison, Alan,* to head of the organ department, The Curtis
Institute of Music, Philadelphia, PA. Aug 3

Moser, Rich,* to Ohio and Pennsylvania area sales manager,
Wicks Organ Company, Highland, IL. Oct 3

Perlow, Kenneth R., to interim director of Early Music
America. Jan 3

Porter, William,* to faculty, Eastman School of Music. June

Potts, Nigel,* to St. Peter's-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church,
Bay Shore, NY. Nov 3

Rakich, Christa,* to New England Conservatory, Boston, MA.
May 3

Ridgell, Robert P.,* to Philadelphia Cathedral,
Philadelphia, PA. June 3

Robinson, Joyce Johnson,* to associate editor, The Diapason.
Nov 4

Rowley, Naomi, to First United Methodist Church, Appleton,
WI. Feb 3

Scanlon, Andrew,* to Fellow in Church Music, Christ &
St. Stephen's Church (Episcopal), New York, NY. Oct 3

Schantz, John, to chairman of the board and manager, service
department, Schantz Organ Company, Orrville, OH. Mar 3

Schantz, Victor B.,* to president, Schantz Organ Company,
Orrville, OH. Mar 3

Shorney, John L.,* to president, Hope Publishing, Company,
Carol Stream, IL. Feb 3

Sievert, Jack,* to executive vice-president, Schantz Organ
Company, Orrville, OH. Mar 3

Stowe, Linda Morgan,* to School Organist/Director of Chapel
Music, St. Paul's School, Concord, NH. Oct 3

Suter, Erik Wm.,* to Washington National Cathedral,
Washington, DC. Nov 4

Swist, James, to area sales director, Wicks Organ Company,
Highland, IL. Aug 3

Sykes, Peter,* to New England Conservatory, Boston, MA. May

Tadlock, Cherry, to Music Editor for Piano and Choral Music,
Carl Fischer. Oct 3

Thoene, Marijim,* to St. Paul's Episcopal Church, New
Orleans, LA. Jan 3

Trenney, Tom,* to First Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, MI.
June 3

Tucker, Dale,* to First Wayne Street United Methodist
Church, Fort Wayne, IN. Feb 3

Urban, Christopher,* to First Presbyterian Church, Arlington
Heights, IL. Apr 3

Unsworth, Andrew,* to Cathedral of the Madeleine, Salt Lake
City, UT. Feb 3

Honors and Competitions

Abrahamson, Dan,* retires from the Reuter Organ Company. Mar

Apkalna, Iveta, wins 2002 Royal Bank Calgary Competition
Bach prize. Nov  3

Ashdown, Franklin D.,* receives ASCAP awards. Sept 3

Baglivi, Anthony, receives 2002 AGO President's Award. Oct 3

Benedum, Richard, retires from Dayton Bach Society. Feb 3

Blair, Nancy Jane,* honored at retirement from Briarlake
Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA. Oct 3

Bolcom, William, and Joan Morris, receive MTNA Achievement
Award. June 3

Brunelle, Philip, honored with Minnesota "Sally
Award." Mar 3

Carrasco, Laura A.,* receives Mader Fund organ music
research grant. June 3

Driskill-Smith, Clive,* wins 2002 Royal Bank Calgary
Competition concerto gold medal and Duruflé prize. Nov 3

Dubois, Vincent,* wins 2002 Royal Bank Calgary Competition
recital gold medal. Nov 3

Ensemble Amarcord,* wins German Music Competition. July 4

Fassang, László,* wins 2002 Royal Bank Calgary
Competition improvisation gold medal. Nov 3

Fedak, Alfred,* awarded prize by John Ness Beck Foundation
for composition. Apr  3

Gardiner, Rev. Robert, wins Macalester-Plymouth United
Church hymn writing contest. May 3

Harbach, Barbara,* awarded honorary degree at Wilmington
College, Wilmington, OH. July 3

Harmon, Thomas, retires from UCLA and First United Methodist
Church, Santa Monica, CA. Sept 4

Hocdé, Emmanuel,* wins 2002 Grand Prix de Chartres,
J.S. Bach performance prize, and Prize of the Audience. Dec 3

Jordan, Alice Yost, inducted into the Iowa Women's Hall of
Fame. Oct 4

Khvoshchinsky, Sergey, wins Plymouth Music Series and the
American Composers Forum Christmas carol contest. Jan 3

Kilstofte, Mark,* wins 2002 Choral Ventures program. Sept 4

King, Robert Burns,* honored at fortieth anniversary as
organist-choirmaster, First Presbyterian Church, Burlington, NC. Nov 4

Muncaster, Clive, wins Plymouth Music Series and the
American Composers Forum Christmas carol contest. Jan 3

Oldengarm, Jonathan, wins 2002 Royal Bank Calgary
Competition RCCO prize and encore prize. Nov 3

Olson, Timothy, wins first prize in AGO National Young
Artists Competition. Oct 3

Pearson, Kate, wins Bowling Green State University organ
competition. May 4

Porter, Emily Maxson, wins Holtkamp-AGO Award in Organ
Composition. Feb 3-4

Reuter Organ Company receives Kansas Chamber of Commerce
& Industry Excellence in Manufacturing award, Nov 3, and award from Kansas
Department of Commerce & Housing. Dec 4

Rose, John,* honored for 25 years service as college
organist by Trinity College, Hartford, CT. July 4

Schalk, Carl, to receive AGO Distinguished Composer Award.
May 4

Sitton, Michael,* wins first place in Cantate
"Signature Anthem" competition. Dec 3

Stringham, Phyllis,* honored at retirement from Carroll
College, Waukesha, WI. Dec 4

Sullivan, Daniel,* awarded first place in Gruenstein
Memorial Organ Competition. Oct 2-3

Swann, Frederick,* honored as Performer of the Year by New
York City AGO chapter. Dec 4

Thornock, Neil, wins second prize in 2002 Carillon
Composition Competition. Sept 3

Trapp, Lynn, receives 2002 Spirit and Truth Award from
University of Notre Dame. Oct 4

Trotter, Thomas,* receives Royal Philharmonic Society's
Instrumentalist Award. Aug 6

Truckenbrod, Phillip Agency,* celebrates 35th year of
operation. Sept 6

Unger, Johannes,* wins St. Albans International Organ
Competition. Jan 4

Wallace, Edward A.,* honored at retirement by the Church of
St. Michael and St. George, St. Louis, MO. Jan 4

Warland, Dale,* receives Chorus America's Louis Botto award.
Aug 6

Wikman, Thomas,* receives honorary degree from the
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, July 4.


Bales, Gerald Albert.* Dec 6

Banta, Lorene S. Feb 6

Bruun, Lewis C.* Dec 6

Goode, Jack C. May 6

Gotwals, Vernon Jr. June 6

Herz, Eric. Aug 6

Holzgraf, Lloyd.* Jan 6

Hume, Paul. Feb 6

Kelone, Earl V.* Sept 6

Lake, Frederick A. Sept 6

Lehnerer, Paul Francis. Aug 6

Lohmann, Heinz. Feb 6

Noehren, Robert.* Sept 8

Plummer, Ruth.* June 6

Radford, Jeffrey Paul. Nov 6

Rodgers, John. July 6

Schoenstein, Lawrence L.* May 6

Sherman, Elizabeth Birkshire Brothers. Oct 6

Vos, Wesley M.* July 6

Wick, Martin M.* Aug 6

Organ Stoplists


Christ Church Cathedral, Hartford, CT. Antiphonal 2/7,* July
1, 18



St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church, Chicago, IL. 2/34,* Feb 24



All Souls' Episcopal Church, Oklahoma City, OK. 2/22,* July



North Shore United Methodist, Glencoe, IL. 2/17,* Nov 24

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Denver, CO. 2/17,* June 1, 22

St. David's Episcopal Church, Glenview, IL. 2/29,* Dec 1, 23



United Lutheran Church, Red Wing, MN. 2/20,* May 1, 23



Episcopal Church of the Nativity, Fort Oglethorpe, GA.
2/16,* Aug 1, 22-23



St. Mary's Catholic Church, Spring Lake, MI. 2/21,* Feb 23

Fabry (Aeolian-Skinner)

Marytown Kolbe Shrine, Libertyville, IL. 3/29,* Mar 24



Ascension Lutheran Church, Albert Lea, MN. 2/12,* Aug 23


Fowler (Casavant)

St. Mary Cathedral, Lansing, MI. 3/50,* Sept 27


Goulding & Wood

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception,
Washington, DC. 4/210,* Mar 1, 21-23

St. John's Episcopal Church, Crawfordsville, IN. 2/9,* Sept

Meridian Street United Methodist Church, Indianapolis, IN.
2/14,* June 23


Harris and McDonough

St. Augustine By-the-Sea Episcopal Church, Santa Monica, CA.
3/38,* Oct 28



Church of St. Peter, St. Peter, MN. 3/40,* Nov 1, 23



Christ Lutheran Church, Superior, WI. 2/10,* Apr 22



St. Peter's Cathedral, Marquette, MI. 3/33,* Aug 24


Lewis & Hitchcock

First Presbyterian Church, Cumberland, MD. 3/30,* Apr 22-23



St. Olaf Catholic Church, Minneapolis, MN. 3/67,* Oct 27



Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church, Gig Harbor, WA. 3/58,* Feb
1, 22-23


Muller, J.W. (Schuelke)

St. Mary's Catholic Church, Columbus, OH. 2/38,* July 19



Falkner Swamp Reformed Church, Gilbertsville, PA. 2/14,* Jan



St. Barnabas Lutheran Church, Plymouth, MN. 2/19,* May 24



SkyRose Chapel, Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier, CA.
4/65,* Oct 1, 26



Trinity United Methodist Church, Wilmette, IL. 3/63,* Jan 1,



First Congregational Church, Beloit, WI. 4/65,* Sept 1, 26



Lumpkin United Methodist Church, Lumpkin, GA. 2/9,* Dec 24

Stella Maris Catholic Church, Sullivan's Island, SC. 2/23,*
Nov 24



Bishop Spencer Place, Kansas City, MO. 2/6,* June 23

Covenant Presbyterian Church, Madison, WI. 3/46,* Sept 28

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Belvedere, CA. 2/11, Dec



Concordia University, Austin, TX. 2/22,* Apr 23

St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Alexandria, VA. 2/31,* May 24



Christ Church, Episcopal, Plano, TX. 3/22,* Apr 1, 20-21



St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Greencastle, IN. 2/23,* Aug

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