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1850 Henry Erben organ donated to St. Patrick, Parnell, Michigan

January 16, 2009
St. Patrick Parish

St. Patrick, Parnell, Michigan, is pleased to announce the generous donation
to the parish of an 1850 organ by Henry Erben. The original instrument of
six stops (specification below) is augmented by an independent pedal unit of
16+8, added by Halbert Gober, who restored the organ. The blessing and
dedication of the organ took place on Saturday, January 24, 2009. The
Basilica Choir of the University of Notre Dame sang prelude selections
and at the 5:00 p.m. Mass.

Later that evening, Dr. Craig Cramer of the University of Notre Dame played the
dedication recital, including the premier of Joel Martinson's (University of
North Texas) Kingsfold Suite, commissioned for the occasion.

St. Patrick Parish

4351 Parnell Ave NE

Ada, MI 49301

8 Stop'd Diapason (bass: C-e)

8 Stop'd Diapason (treble: f-g''')

8 Open Diapason (treble: f-g''')

8 Bell Gamba (treble: f-g''')

8 Dulciano [sic] (treble: f-g''')

4 Principal

2 Fifteenth

Swell enclosure

Combination pedal (cancels & reengages 4 & 2)

Bellows signal

Bellows handle for pumping

Tremulant added